Friday, December 21, 2007

Rocket Science

I just saw this commercial online, and loved it.
Totally different direction from Kidnapped Santa.
Check it out.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Bus and BK

This morning I was riding the bus toward my office in downtown Austin. On Guadalupe Street, just north of the UT campus, the driver stopped prematurely in front of a Burger King and got out, leaving us commuters just sitting there. I'm not sure if he was heeding the call of the men's room, or if he was just hungry for a Croissan'wich. Anyway, the people who normally get off at the next stop a little ways up the street started filing off the bus after a while. I looked around and grinned. Kinda weird. And awkward. A minute later, the driver comes back, wiping his mouth with a napkin, and resumed the trip downtown. No explanation whatsoever. He made the next stop and opened the door. Of course, no one exited because those folks had already left the bus. Duh.

This is the same bus driver who once saw me on the side of the road, waving my bus pass at him, and ignored me as he passed me right by. It took me a while to get over that, not to mention his lack of aggressiveness when he drives. The guy we had before him was a traffic master. He used to actually make me nervous with the way he'd wait until the last possible minute to change lanes.

Anyway, I'm keeping my eye on Burger King boy. One more episode like that and I just might have to lodge a complaint.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Kidnapped Santa 4

Kidnapped Santa 3

Start with the first at the bottom, and work your way up.

Kidnapped Santa 2

Watch Kidnapped Santa first, then the rest in order.

Kidnapped Santa

I was poking through an old CD of commercials and came across this twisted set of spots for There were, like, 8 spots total, but I've pared it down to 5. Watch them in order to stick with the storyline. I almost shot rice through my nose watching them again.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

My Fantasy Football Team

My team's name is the Pork Rinds. I've been in a bit of a slump with a 4 game losing streak, but still good enough to make the playoffs in my league. I'm looking to finally do some damage this weekend. If anything, I think I have the best logo, though I can't claim authorship. Saw the pig on the internet and just had to have it.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Meet Macy

OK, it's been way too long. We got our dog Macy a few months ago, and I finally got around to putting her photo on this blog. Sorry for the delay. Macy is incredibly spoiled. She also needs physical human contact. As long as she has at least a paw on you while you watch TV, life is good. Alyx took this shot of her.