Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Bus and BK

This morning I was riding the bus toward my office in downtown Austin. On Guadalupe Street, just north of the UT campus, the driver stopped prematurely in front of a Burger King and got out, leaving us commuters just sitting there. I'm not sure if he was heeding the call of the men's room, or if he was just hungry for a Croissan'wich. Anyway, the people who normally get off at the next stop a little ways up the street started filing off the bus after a while. I looked around and grinned. Kinda weird. And awkward. A minute later, the driver comes back, wiping his mouth with a napkin, and resumed the trip downtown. No explanation whatsoever. He made the next stop and opened the door. Of course, no one exited because those folks had already left the bus. Duh.

This is the same bus driver who once saw me on the side of the road, waving my bus pass at him, and ignored me as he passed me right by. It took me a while to get over that, not to mention his lack of aggressiveness when he drives. The guy we had before him was a traffic master. He used to actually make me nervous with the way he'd wait until the last possible minute to change lanes.

Anyway, I'm keeping my eye on Burger King boy. One more episode like that and I just might have to lodge a complaint.


At 7:14 PM, Blogger Janet said...

If you'd substitute "breakfast burrito" for "Crosaintwich", I'd say your talking about a typical bus driver on the Taos "Chile Line" bus.


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