West Texas

So it's been way too long since I added any posts here, so here we go.
In November, we went to west Texas to check out the McDonald Observatory. Very sweet. The area boasts the darkest night skies in the continental U.S. Perfect for stargazing. The shot above is a panorama of a valley next to the observatory in Ft. Davis, TX.

Me, Stacy and the boys on the road to Ft. Davis, where the scenery gets really beautiful.

The boys being their normal unassuming selves.

A self portrait.

The local wildlife.

The visitor's center at the observatory.

The dome of the 2nd largest telescope.

The telescope inside the dome. It was about 35 degrees in there. They keep the temperature close to what the night time temp. will be that night, so the mirror won't fog up when they open the dome.

Me and the boys in front of the biggest telescope on the grounds.

The boys checking out the view.

Some of the local color.
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