Matthew's Smiling–Wait...No He's Not

For those who haven't heard, Matthew has landed an internship with a Chicago magazine for the summer. We're excited for him, though he won't be coming home to Austin, so it's a little bittersweet for us. He got the internship from sheer will (not to mention incessant phone calls), and a little creativity.
He and I collaborated on a resume designed to look like the target publication, Stop Smiling, which is a respected culture rag. He conducted a mock interview with himself, which is pretty funny stuff. Anyway, the internship is unpaid, so Matthew beat the pavement and landed a job at a downtown State Farm Insurance office.
So, living in Wheaton, working in Chicago...exactly: he needs an apartment. Not to worry. He gathered 3 Wheaton friends, did some digging and found said apartment, mere blocks away from the aforementioned places of employment.
Not bad for a fulltime student. I guess we should send him some of Alyx's free coffee, if you can pry it from my cold, dead fingers.