Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Matthew's Smiling–Wait...No He's Not

For those who haven't heard, Matthew has landed an internship with a Chicago magazine for the summer. We're excited for him, though he won't be coming home to Austin, so it's a little bittersweet for us. He got the internship from sheer will (not to mention incessant phone calls), and a little creativity.

He and I collaborated on a resume designed to look like the target publication, Stop Smiling, which is a respected culture rag. He conducted a mock interview with himself, which is pretty funny stuff. Anyway, the internship is unpaid, so Matthew beat the pavement and landed a job at a downtown State Farm Insurance office.

So, living in Wheaton, working in Chicago...exactly: he needs an apartment. Not to worry. He gathered 3 Wheaton friends, did some digging and found said apartment, mere blocks away from the aforementioned places of employment.

Not bad for a fulltime student. I guess we should send him some of Alyx's free coffee, if you can pry it from my cold, dead fingers.

Greenbelt, Part 2

Stacy and I had some free time last Saturday to hang out together, since Alyx was working and the twins were spending the night out. We headed back to the Greenbelt to do some hiking. We headed in the opposite direction this time, with some really nice scenery. At this time of year, the normally dry creek bed was rushing with clear water. Really good time.

On the way back, we stopped by Buca di Beppo, our favorite Italian restaurant, and got some lasagna, salad and garlic cheese bread to go, and ate in bed while watching a movie.

Not a bad Saturday evening.

Triple Soy Mocha With a Smile

Alyx, as you know from our first post, has been working at a local Starbucks, within a Target store. Well, now she's at a freestanding Starbucks and things are looking up. First of all (great for me), she gets a free pound of coffee a week, plus all those incredible Starbucks benefits you've no doubt heard about. Matching stock (Alyx the mogul), health benefits, and even employee contributions which come as cash gifts to employees around the world with special needs.

She's already had the Starbucks training, but now it'll be more intense, so her already stellar drink making skills will be even sharper.