Monday, June 02, 2008

Matthew's Graduation

Yes, the boy has graduated. We made another trip up to the windy city for graduation, which was on the same day as Mother's Day and the twins' birthday. We planned that.

Here's Matthew whining at the Weber Grill because I didn't let him get ice cream.

With two of his friends, Leslie and Jordan.

With us at the Weber Grill.

Cole on Michigan Ave. enjoying a free sample of Coke.

Crossing the Chicago River on the bridge that Batman crossed in his last flick.

One of the twins took this lovely shot at an El train stop.

The Logan Square stop on the train, which is where Matthew just found an apartment.

Troublemakers on the train.

The stage at the Wheaton graduation. 600 graduates are enthralled with President Litfin's speechmaking skills.

Matthew crossing the stage to receive his sheepskin. Notice the military gentleman to the left reaching for his sidearm.

The proud parents with said graduate.


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